Wenzel music
  Performance Experience

piano lesson video of my rendition of Greensleeves.


Ms. Wenzel has an associates in piano pedagogy (piano teaching) from Andrews University in Michigan.  She is regular piano music contributor to worship services at the Seventh-Day Adventist church in Montose, CO.  She has performed at various social functions in the Orlando/Kissimmee, FL area adding background music to the events. These have included; new home showings, Christmas and other holiday functions as well as business gatherings. During her time in graduate school she was employed to play and co-ordinate service music at a First Christian Church in Fort Collins, CO. There she played the organ, piano and accompanied the choir.  In both High School and college her sight-reading talents were put to great use by being employed as an accompanist for voice lessons as well as accompanying the choir.


Ms. Wenzel has taken five years of flute lessons. From this diligent study and recognized talent she was awarded first chair, first flute in school as well as a unique touring orchestra through countries in Europe.  She enjoys playing Baroque chamber music, sacred music and light Jazz.
flute lesson video playing at a church in Orlando, FL.


Ms. Wenzel has five years of experience teaching voice lessons and enjoys singing solos and with ensembles.  She has performed with the Caroling Company of Orlando,FL for seven Christmas seasons. Ms. Wenzel has also performed with the prestigious Orlando Chorale for four years (a group of both professional and hand-picked amateur singers).  Prior to this time, she performed under the direction of Peter Matthews with Orlando XIII (another group of select singers through audition).  She has sung in both small and touring groups all through her years enjoying this musical craft. In fact, she was chosen to perform with the elite and advanced choirs in High School and College.  Her forte is in renditions of classical pieces and a selection of popular tunes.


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